School & Schedules

Well, we are still ironing out kinks in the schedule. I am happy to say that we finished The Giver and have completed the tests I had downloaded for the book. Now we can get back to My Side of the Mountain. We should finish it within a few days so I am already planning our next book: The Cay.

We started Writing With The Best by Jill Dixon this week and I am loving it so far. When we lived in Savannah, GA I went to a speaking event she was having at a local church. I have been wanting to get Teaching with Structure and Style but the price... Well, I was surfing online and remembered she taught writing classes and thought I would check out her site. Yep - she had a writing program. I want to get her Diagnostic Test that helps you see what kind of learner your children are. So that is my next buy. Well, along with a few other things on my list :) I have got to stay our of the bookstores!

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