Not My Day...

Where do I even begin? Today has no been one of our best days. Joel has been told to be ready to PCS just in case he is not staying in Korea. Mind you a week ago he was told his extension paperwork went through and he would be there 3 more months. (Hmmm).
I spent 40 minutes waiting for 2 doctor's appointment only to be told Tricare won't pay for them. They charged me $35 per child to look in the mouth with a tongue depressor, listen to them breathe and fill out a piece of paper? You have got to be kidding me! We stopped by Gamestop on the way home because Xavier's PSP's analog stick is not working... oh I have to contact Sony because the stupid product replacement plan i paid for doesn't go into effect until Sony's warranty expires. So I put in a service request only for it to "not be processed". What does that mean?

Luckily the night did get better. Xavier went to Awana tonight (his first time ever) and had a blast. Micah went to Middle school Bible Study and it was and I quote "SWEET". We did not get home until almost 9 and after a little wind down time the boys got tucked into bed and we read a 2 more chapters of "My Brother Sam is Dead". We are really enjoying this book and are 1/2 way through it already. I better start looking for our next book to read as this one will be done in a week at this rate.

In the end I just have to remember that no matter how frustrating I may get at things tomorrow is a new day and Praise God - He is in control and I am blessed!

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