Sea World

What do you get when you have 7 adults & 8 kids plus a baby go to Sea World together? A fun and insane trip! Joel & I were taking the boys to Sea World as their b-day present instead of a party. Well his 2 sisters & brother came along. We had a great time although trying to keep 8 kids from running in every direction because they are so psyched by being there and being able to hang out with each other can be frustrating at times. We started the day off by meeting at IHOP for breakfast (God Bless our poor waitress). After a hearty meal we hit the road...
Our first stop in Sea World the sting rays. Xavier was a little scared of feeding them but after Dad helped him it was cool. We saw turtles (the boys had to talk the "worker" there ears off) and informed her of sea turtles having tumors. Then all the kids climbed on a manatee statue which has a sign to stay off of statue beside it. We realize this after the photo shot, lol. Moving right along... we enjoyed the rides, animals and hanging out with family. Overall it was a wonderful day and the boys bought their own souveniers (Shamu & baby stuff animals of course). The Orca is Micah's favorite whale and Xavier had to have one to after seeing the show (plus he likes the Orca also).

Kids Galore
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Isn't he a cutie?
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Chillin' with the penguins
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Dad & X-man
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More food now!
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Group Photo
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My 2 boys - shopping's done...
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